I’m looking to collaborate with interested parties in setting up an organization to get nutritional information and supplies to cancer patients. It is my vision to help people with cancer by delivering nutritional products and nutritional information directly to their doorstep. When cancer attacks, you become weak and your body goes through changes that make it undesirable to be out in public. Bringing nutrition to people in a time of need is a wonderful deed. If you have any interest in being involved or helping my efforts, please let me know by using the contact form. Thank You.
Jimmy Allgood
Look at it… fight it…defeat it.
Hello, and thank you for checking out my personal survival site. It has been since 2008 that I was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer. The doctors removed a section of my colon and wanted to treat me with Chemotherapy. I decided not to have the Chemo/radiation and instead tried many alternative therapies and remedies. I made lifestyle changes and diligently ate only raw organic vegetables for over 5 straight years. I feel that raw organic vegetables were the key to my survival. Doctor visits in 2022 show no sign of cancer and all the doctors that I’ve seen tell me that I’m lucky. Check ups in 20224 are still clear! If you have or ever get cancer look for the ways to defeat it. No matter how bad things look and feel at times, you can get better. You must get better. I wish you the best with your fight.
I Fight On